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The Best Way to Predict your Future is to Create It.

Today we are teaching the new generation that everything is instant. We live in a fast paste environment and we don't want to wait for anything. The McDonald drive through are too slow for us now. The microwave does not cook fast enough for us. No wonder that when people join a business they expect to make millions the first day. We have been building in the MLM industry for years, and people trust us now. They know that we are always available to help our people. On the other hand we recruit new comers that know nothing of the industry and they expect the same results we are getting. It is possible but you have to be realistic and grow your business and be teachable. The majority of people know or have heard of people making a good income with their on line business and expect some "microwave" results. Well let me tell you that for most of the new comers with no list no contact it will be a little hard to do.

This is not to discourage you, everyone must start somewhere and like my title says
" The Best Way to Predict your Future is to Create It " and everyone can do that. If you want to build a house you will need some building materials and some tools, a piece of land for your new home. You also need materials and tools to create your future. In order to build a solid house you would not go around picking left over rejected materials, well don't do that either when you are building a future. Get a plan and follow it, stick to it till completion. You can do it the hard way or ask advise from people who know. Fortunately some blueprints are easier to read than others. The tools that I am about to tell you can be used by veterans or newbies alike so keep on reading.

(1) What kind of company are you joining? What is their track record? What do you know about the owner? What is their vision? Do they have what it takes to get it done? Is it a company that you would like to be associated with?

(2) Product line, are they consumable? What kind of quality? Priced right? If their was no money to be made would you still use the products?

(3) Compensation plan, do the average person have a chance to make some money? Incentives in place? Once you have attain a certain income is it easy to maintain? What would be the attration percentage expected?

No company is perfect but some come close. The company we are talking about is Essante Worldwide, it is a 6 years old and produces high quality ORGANIC health products, many of which provide the means by which you can purchase products which you are already consuming, otherwise known as transfer purchasing.

As a member of the Essante Team Builder you will receive all of the following splash sites....



If you are ready to do a little work and use the products faithfully you will achieve success.

We all know what the problem is.

The solution is the Essante Team Builder!

An excellent additional income stream is only months away!

Get plugged in today by visiting any of the links above. Submit your name,
email address and phone and I will send you everything you need in order
to make an informed decision.

Remember The Best Way to Predict your Future is to Create It. And I just gave you the best tool to do it with.


If you are not ready after you checked this out give us a call. You did not understand, and we will be happy to clarify.
905 357 0479

To a great Future.
Roger & Linda Pepin