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UltraXOne $2.50 one time fee.

At the cost of $2.50 one time you have no excuse to succeed.

From Financial Hopelessness to Freedom

Are you still playing with the high ticket items?

In an economy where people are out of work and
having a hard time making ends meet, people look for
alternative ways to make money. Many are turning to the internet for help.
When they get there, they need to discover an affordable opportunity.

These people cannot afford $300, $500, or $1,000 programs!

So here is the best of the best... a little program that only cost $2.50 but the
potential to take you from financial hopelessness to freedom is huge!

Don't be fooled because it is only $2.50. I am telling you, you will kick yourself later.
The 8th matrix is $1,171,875.00 and you can cycle it over and over.
Don't think you cannot get there. It is a lot easier to promote a program with this
potential for only $2.50 than a $1000 program.

I am not saying you will make $1,000,000 over night but it is doable for anyone who consistently builds this.
You get a heck of a lot more people saying yes on a $2.50 program and
most of them upgrade to at least the second level right away.

You can have 8 matrices all going at one time paying you as they fill and they
each only take 14 people and there is spillover. Your people will sponsor in this for a change.

I know you heard about spillover before and never got any, well it is very different here.
You can buy as many positions as you want.
Lets say you bought 3.
Out of every three, the FIRST position will be placed in your sponsors active matrix.

The SECOND in every group, will be placed in your OWN active matrix if you have one open, or default back to your sponsor's if not, helping you cycle much faster.

And the THIRD in every group, will be placed in the Next In Line matrix. This is the oldest uncompleted active members matrix. In other words, if you remain an active member, even if you never refer anyone, this guarantees your matrix positions will eventually cycle.
Not in the next 5 minutes, but at some point you will be the Next In Line.

The Next in Line is also supported by the Admin's positions. As there is no referrer for the Admin Positions. These go into the Next In Line when they regenerate.

This is the potential on every tier with a little $2.50 start up fee.

Tier 1 - 100 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $15.00

Tier 2 - 500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $75.00

Tier 3 - 2500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $375.00

Tier 4 - 12500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $1,875.00

Tier 5 - 62500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $9,375.00

Tier 6 - 312500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $46,875.00

Tier 7 - 312500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $234,375.00

Tier 8 - 312500 CV POINTS entry, Cycle Payout is $1,171,875.00

You also get the following benefits.

1. Bonus Matrix.

When you buy a new position you enter a 2x20 bonus forced matrix, this is an extra income for you and sees huge spillover due to the narrow matrix and being 20 levels deep.

2. Shares - Paid Up Profit Shares (PUPS)

For every 100 points earned through purchases in our easy online business, one tier 1 position costing $2.50 is 100 points - you receive one PUPS (a form of profit share). Referrers also earn a matching bonus share.

Every share is worth (at a very bare minimum) $1.00 when fully paid up and can go on to earn much much more.

You get one share for every $2.50 CV purchased at the store, so does your referrer.

Dividends will be paid weekly or more often to all active shares, and when each share has earned $1.00 or more in dividends, you can cash it in.

When you cash in a share, it is removed form the dividend pool, ensuring the dividends are not split amongst an ever growing share base.

So my friend, before you go spend thousands of dollars on a system
that you will never make a dime out of, I would recommend you give
this little "BIG" program a shot.
You will be very happy you did and you won't miss a meal because you joined.

This is the direct link to my site.


To your success,

Roger Pepin